About Linda

Linda Symmes

Linda grew up on a farm just outside Calgary. She is active in the city, volunteering time to a number of organizations.

Linda Symmes is a communications specialist who has been working professionally in Calgary for over 20 years. She has worked in the manufacturing, nonprofit, grocery and post secondary education sector – doing everything from magazine editing, special events planning, employee and community engagement, strategic planning and more.

For the past few years Linda has been learning how to keep honeybees. She has organized training and learning sessions for beekeepers interested in entering and judging honey competitions and was a co-organizer of the 2023 Honey and Mead competition at the Western Apiculture Society International Northern Lights Beekeeping Conference. She currently has 9 hives that she hosts in four locations around the NW part of Calgary, and is not afraid to admit she has made a few mistakes with her bees along the way. Learn from some of the mistakes many new, and even experienced beekeepers make, and gain confidence in knowing about, and possibly managing your own hives.